Public Assistance

The Montana Disaster and Emergency Services Public Assistance team works with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to provide assistance in the wake of disaster. Federal assistance may be granted when the situation is clearly beyond the capability of both the local and state governments. Federal assistance determination is based on a number of factors which include population (tax base), impact on jurisdictions and recent disaster history.

The Public Assistance Program is available to assist with reimbursement of repairs to damaged eligible facilities, including roads, bridges, water control facilities, buildings, equipment, utilities, parks and recreational facilities. It is also available to assist with reimbursement of emergency functions such as debris removal and emergency protective actions. This program is made available to eligible applicants including local governments, state government, certain non-profit organizations, schools, and Native American tribal governments that are located in a designed damage area. The federal cost share for this program will not be less than 75% of eligible expenses for emergency measures and permanent restoration.

Important information about historic preservation and your recovery project!

Did you know that to receive federal disaster funds for sand or gravel, applicants must provide documentation that the Montana State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) has reviewed all material source locations and gives their recommendations?

Find SHPO forms here.

Public Assistance for Counties and incorporated towns/cities request a 2-Mill Levy. More information can be found on 2-Mill Levy’s can be found here.