Mitigation Planning Information

Hazard mitigation is the use of long- and short-term strategies to reduce or alleviate loss of life, injuries, and property damage that can result from disasters such as floods, wildfires, tornadoes, and earthquakes.  By reducing exposure to these hazards, the state will save lives and property and minimize the social, economic, and environmental disruptions that follow hazard events. Studies have found that every dollar spent on hazard mitigation saving an average of $6 in avoided future losses.

The State of Montana Disaster and Emergency Services (MT DES) is coordinating the creation of new Regional Hazard Mitigation Plans that will encompass all counties, municipalities, and tribal nations in Montana. This will support consistency across the state, lighten the administrative burden on local and tribal governments, be cost effective, and ensure comprehensive eligibility for FEMA mitigation grant funding. The Regional Plans will build off existing local hazard mitigation plans and be developed in accordance with the Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000.

Planning Regions


To obtain a status update on your Hazard Mitigation Plan, please view the MT Regions HMP Status Tracker, updated weekly on Friday afternoon.

2023 Montana Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan


The Montana Eastern Regional Plans are currently undergoing State Review.

Each participating jurisdiction will need to complete the Annex/Addendum Revisions Needs document sent by the MT DES Mitigation team. For further assistance, please reach out to Mitigation Coordinators, Tomas Perez or Crystal Guerrero.

Eastern Regional Hazard Mitigation Plan

Eastern Region HIRA Powerpoint Slides 12/14/22

Contact: Tomas Perez, Mitigation Coordinator |

Contact: Crystal Guerrero, Mitigation Coordinator |

The Montana Central Regional Plans are currently undergoing FEMA Review.

Each participating jurisdiction will need to complete the Annex/Addendum Revisions Needs document sent by the MT DES Mitigation team. For further assistance, please reach out to Mitigation Coordinators, Tomas Perez or Crystal Guerrero.

MT Central Region HMP Base Plan

Contact: Tomas Perez, Mitigation Coordinator |

Contact: Crystal Guerrero, Mitigation Coordinator |

The Montana Western Regional Plans are currently undergoing State Review.

Each participating jurisdiction will need to complete the Annex/Addendum Revisions Needs document sent by the MT DES Mitigation team. For further assistance, please reach out to Mitigation Coordinators, Tomas Perez or Crystal Guerrero.

MT Western Region HMP Base Plan

Contact: Tomas Perez, Mitigation Coordinator |

Contact: Crystal Guerrero, Mitigation Coordinator |