Hazard Mitigation Grant Program- Post Fire

What is Hazard Mitigation Grant Program- Post Fire

The HMGP Post-Fire Grant is to help communities implement hazard mitigation measures following the declaration of a Fire Management Assistance Grant (FMAG). Wildfires can destroy homes, businesses, infrastructure, and natural resources. They can also exacerbate secondary hazards and leave areas prone to floods, erosion, and mudflows for many years. The key purpose of this grant program is to enact mitigation measures that reduce the risk of loss of life and property from future disasters.

When is the application cycle?

This funding becomes available if fires become declared FMAG’s. Each declared FMAG allocates $584,083 of mitigation funding to the state. All the FMAGs in a federal fiscal year will be combined into a single HMGP-PF funding opportunity. This funding will be available to all eligible sub-applicants, however counties with declared FMAGs will be given priority.

Who is eligible to apply?

States, counties, territories, federally recognized tribal governments, and private nonprofit organizations are eligible applicants. Each applicant must have a current FEMA approved Hazard Mitigation Plan at time of award.

What is the Cost Share?

75% Federal/25% Local

What is the period of performance?

36 months after time of federal award.

How do I develop an application?

  • Submit a Notice of Intent (NOI) to the MT DES Mitigation Team.
  • Have access to the FEMA external E-Grants site, (The MT DES Mitigation Team can assist you through this process.)


Hazard Mitigation Grant Program - Post Fire Resources