FEMA State and County Thresholds for Public Assistance

FEMA has their own cost thresholds for counties and states for eligibility to request participation in the Public Assistance Program. These thresholds are separate from the 2 Mill levy, which is a state of Montana requirement.

Download FEMA State/County Thresholds

For a state to participate in the Public Assistance program, they first must meet their overall state threshold along with the individual county threshold to include those counties in the declaration request. Since FEMA designates Public Assistance by county, any eligible applicant located in a particular county who provides damage data during the damage assessment period will go towards meeting their county’s threshold. The county data is then rolled up into a grand total for the FEMA state threshold requirement.

Ex: State 123 has an overall threshold of $1,000,000. Counties A, B, and C all incurred damage from the same weather event.

County A threshold= $500,000
County B threshold = $100,000
County C threshold = $ 50,000

County A damages = $300,000
County B damages = $600,000
County C damages = $200,000
Total Damage = $1,100,000

Since county A did not satisfy their county threshold, we will not be able to include their jurisdiction in the declaration request, but their damages can be included and count towards the overall state threshold allowing counties B and C to qualify for Public Assistance. Even if you don’t have enough to meet the county threshold, sharing your damage data could help other Applicants get access to the Public Assistance program.