Recovery Bureau

Recovery supports individuals and communities affected by disasters in their efforts to recover.  Individual and Public Assistance programs as well as Long Term Community Recovery efforts assist individuals and communities to recover and mitigate future events. 

Recovery Resources

Following are resources for Declarations in 2024 including the DR-4801 May Storm.  If you need additional information, please reach out to our recovery team.  

DR-4801 Initial Public Notice

DR-4801 Green Sheet


The Montana Disaster and Emergency Services Public Assistance team works with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to provide assistance in the wake of disaster. Federal assistance may be granted when the situation is clearly beyond the capability of both the local and state governments. Federal assistance determination is based on a number of factors which include population (tax base), impact on jurisdictions and recent disaster history.

The Public Assistance Program is available to assist with reimbursement of repairs to damaged eligible facilities, including roads, bridges, water control facilities, buildings, equipment, utilities, parks and recreational facilities. It is also available to assist with reimbursement of emergency functions such as debris removal and emergency protective actions. This program is made available to eligible applicants including local governments, state government, certain non-profit organizations, schools, and Native American tribal governments that are located in a designed damage area. The federal cost share for this program will not be less than 75% of eligible expenses for emergency measures and permanent restoration.

Important information about historic preservation and your recovery project!

Did you know that to receive federal disaster funds for sand or gravel, applicants must provide documentation that the Montana State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) has reviewed all material source locations and gives their recommendations?

Find SHPO forms here.

Public Assistance for Counties and incorporated towns/cities request a 2-Mill Levy. More information can be found on 2-Mill Levy’s can be found here.


Visit FEMA's Website to Apply for Individual Assistance 

The Montana Department of Emergency Services is seeking assistance from the public to document damage resulting from the flood event that occurred the week of June 13th, 2022.

This information will be used to assist in collecting consolidated impact information and will be provided to other State and Federal agencies as they assess the damage.

Property Damage Form

The Montana Disaster and Emergency Services Recovery team coordinates with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to provide assistance in the wake of disaster. 

The Individual Assistance Program is designed to coordinate assistance provided to individuals, households, and businesses recovering from disaster or emergency impacts. After the president signs a disaster declaration, it is important to inform affected individuals and businesses through press releases and outreach efforts that programs are available to them in obtaining any entitled aid.

Federal assistance may be granted when the situation is clearly beyond the capability of both the local, state and Tribal Governments. The Individual and Households and Other Needs Assistance Program (IA) provides funding assistance up to predetermined limits for home damage repair, transportation repair or replacement, and funeral expenses. IA provides several areas of assistance to include limited funding for crisis counseling, unemployment assistance, and loans from the Small Business Administration. IA funds will not duplicate any funds being covered by insurance or any other federal program. IA funds are restricted in total amount that will be paid out. 

The first step for individuals and businesses needing assistance should be through the toll-free tele-registration hotline, available through the Federal Emergency Management Agency at 1-800-621-FEMA (3362) (TTY: 1-800-462-7585). Specially trained operators at the Federal Emergency Management Agency's National Tele-registration Center will process the application. Once this is accomplished, further assistance may be coordinated through a Disaster Recovery Center (disclaimer: link is only functional during a disaster), which may be established in each of the declared counties or regionally. Representatives of federal, state, local, and volunteer organizations are made available to help disaster survivors who are applying for assistance.

The State of Montana does not have any funds for Individual Assistance and works with the Montana Volunteer Organizations Active in Disasters (MTVOAD) when the State cannot qualify for FEMA funds.

FEMA Individual Assistance Tools
FEMA IA Resources

Montana Voluntary Organization in Disasters 
Montana Volunteer Organizations Active in Disasters (MVOAD)

Montana Department of Public Health Human Services (DPHHS)
MT DPHHS provides many forms of assistance to Montana residents. Please visit their website for more information.

Small Business Administration Information


Smoke Behind the Capital: Image taken by Chris Denning, Used with permission.

Firefighters operating at the scene of a complex or major fire need the ability to request and use resources from neighboring jurisdictions. The FMAG program leverages each jurisdiction’s ability to use mutual-aid agreements for the movement of those assets in a timely manner, lessening concerns about the financial burden. At the conclusion of the fire incident, the state compiles the documentation for all responding entities and agencies and submits the financial records to their FEMA Regional Office within nine months. FEMA reviews the documentation and provides 75 percent funding for all eligible expenses.

Eligible expenses can include:

  • Costs for equipment and supplies (less insurance proceeds);
  • Costs for mobilization and demobilization;
  • Costs for emergency work (evacuations and sheltering, police barricading and traffic control, arson investigation);
  • Costs for pre-positioning federal, out-of-state, and international resources for up to 21 days when approved by the Regional Administrator;
  • Costs for personal comfort and safety items for firefighter health and safety;
  • Costs for field camps and meals in lieu of per diem; and/or
  • Costs for the mitigation, management, and control of declared fires burning on co-mingled federal land, when such costs are not reimbursable by another federal agency.

Each state must meet an individual or cumulative fire cost threshold (FCT) before being eligible for reimbursement. The FCT is based on the state population, and is adjusted annually, based on the Consumer Price Index.

FMAG declarations are declared by the FEMA Regional Administrator on a 24-hour real-time basis while the fire is still burning uncontrolled.

FEMA's Fire Management Assistance Grant Webpage

All FMAGs declared in Montana are found here

(Information provided by the Federal Emergency Management Agency)


Please Note: The application period for public assistance has past. 

Below are some important documents for Public Assistance related to the June 2022 Flooding. 

Drought impacts are most commonly associated with the agriculture industry, but disruption of water supply can have far-ranging impacts to a community. Below are links for federal partner programs and resources for users impacted by drought.

Federal Drought Related Assistance Programs

SBA Economic Injury Disaster Loans Fact Sheet for July 11, 2023 Drought

U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) Fact Sheet – Economic Injury Disaster Loans


Permit Requirements 
As property owners contemplate clean up and repairs following recent flooding, it is important to know that you may need to obtain local permits before repairing or rebuilding flood‐damaged structures.
  • ​Permits are required for any construction or development activity in a floodplain area.
  • This includes the repair or reconstruction of structures damaged by flooding.
  • Special conditions apply to substantially damaged (total cost of repairs is 50% or more of the structure’s pre‐flood market value) buildings.
  • Repair requirements may include elevating the structure to reduce the potential for future flood damage.

Property owners and residents with flood‐damaged buildings should contact their local floodplain administrator for more information on repair and reconstruction permits. Visit DNRC's Floodplain Management Page for a current list of local floodplain administrators under contacts and important information on disaster and recovery. 

Most regular Homeowners and Renters Insurance policies generally do not provide coverage for your home or personal property caused by flooding. Most policies have a 30‐day waiting period before taking effect.

  • Contact your flood insurance agent or company right away.
  • Contact the National Flood Insurance Program Help Center 1‐800‐427‐4661
  • Make a thorough list of damaged property.
  • List and photograph any areas of damage to your home both before any clean up begins and during the clean‐up process as damage is discovered.
Federal flood insurance may also provide up to $30,000 to protect a structure from future flood damage.

State and federal assistance may become available to property owners to reduce the chances of future flood damage. Mitigation assistance may cover costs of relocation, or for elevating or purchasing flood damaged structures. Contact your County or Tribal Emergency Manager for additional information.

FEMA Presidential Declared Disaster Programs 
To qualify for these programs, a community must have sustained substantial damages. To determine the extent of homeowners and business damages and needs, questionnaires are available through the County or Tribal Emergency Manager.  
Small Business Administration Disaster Loans 
The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) can make federally subsidized loans to repair or replace homes, personal property or businesses that sustained damages not covered by insurance. The Small Business Administration can provide three types of disaster loans to qualified homeowners and businesses: (1) home disaster loans to homeowners and renters to repair or replace disaster‐related damages to home or personal property, (2) business physical disaster loans to business owners to repair or replace disaster‐damaged property, including inventory, and supplies; and (3) economic injury disaster loans, which provide capital to small businesses and to small agricultural cooperatives to assist them through the disaster recovery period. For many individuals the SBA disaster loan program is the primary form of disaster assistance. 
Federal Housing Administration (FHA) Programs
  • FHA’s 203(k) Rehabilitation Program offers rehabilitation mortgage insurance up to $35,000 for home repair and improvements.
  • FHA’s 203 (h) Program provides full mortgage insurance for victims living in Presidentially declared disaster areas. 
Individuals and Households Program 
This program provides money and services to people in the declared area whose property has been damaged or destroyed and whose losses are not covered by insurance. It provides provides financial assistance to individuals and households who have disaster related necessary expenses or serious needs and do not qualify for a low interest loan from Small Business Administration (SBA). These programs are designed to provide funds for expenses that are not covered by insurance. The following is a list of the types of assistance available through this program and what each provides. In every case, the disaster victim must register for assistance and establish eligibility.
  • Temporary HousingHomeowners and renters receive funds to rent a different place to live or a temporary housing unit when rental properties are not available.
  • Repair: Homeowners receive grants to repair damage from the disaster that is not covered by insurance. The goal is to make the damaged home safe and sanitary.
  • ReplacementUnder rare conditions, homeowners receive limited funds to replace their disaster damaged home.
  • Permanent Housing Construction: Homeowners and renters receive direct assistance or a grant for the construction of a new home. This type of assistance occurs only in very unusual situations, in insular areas or remote locations specified by FEMA where no other type of housing is possible.
  • Other Needs AssistanceApplicants receive grants for necessary and serious needs caused by the disaster. This includes medical, dental, funeral, personal property, transportation, moving and storage, and other expenses that FEMA approves. The homeowner may need to apply for a SBA loan before receiving assistance. 
Disaster Unemployment Assistance
The Disaster Unemployment Assistance (DUA) program provides unemployment benefits and reemployment services to individuals who have become unemployed because of major disasters. Benefits begin with the date the individual was unemployed due to the disaster incident and can extend up to 26 weeks after the Presidential declaration date. These benefits are made available to individuals not covered by other unemployment compensation programs, such as self‐employed, farmers, migrant and seasonal workers, and those who have insufficient quarters to qualify for other unemployment compensation. All unemployed individuals must register with the State’s employment services office before they can receive DUA benefits. 
Legal Services 
When the President declares a disaster, FEMA, through an agreement with the Young Lawyers Division of the American Bar Association, provides free legal assistance to disaster victims. The assistance that participating lawyers provide typically includes:
Assistance with insurance claims (life, medical, property, etc.)
  • Counseling on landlord/tenant problems
  • Assisting in consumer protection matters, remedies, and procedures
  • Replacement of wills and other important legal documents destroyed in a major disaster.
Disaster legal services are provided to low‐income individuals who, prior to or because of the disaster, are unable to secure legal services adequate to meet their needs as a consequence of a major disaster. 
Health Concerns 
Flooding can impact human health in several ways, as food and water sources may become contaminated. Sewage, chemicals and other contaminants may be carried by floodwaters and contaminate wells and homes. In addition, hazards encountered during clean‐up and recovery can pose immediate and longer-term health concerns. Detailed information on risks and how to protect your health and that of your family is available from the MT Department of Public Health and Human Services Flood Cleanup Health Tips, or by calling 444‐0273 to obtain a copy. 
Crisis Counseling 
The Crisis Counseling Assistance and Training Program (CCP) is designed to provide short‐term crisis counseling services to people affected in Presidentially declared disasters. There are two separate portions of the CCP that can be funded: immediate services and regular services. The immediate services program is intended to enable response to immediate mental health needs with screening, diagnostic, and counseling techniques, as well as outreach services such as public information and community networking. The regular services program is designed to provide up to nine months of crisis counseling, community outreach, and consultation and education services to people affected by a Presidentially declared disaster. To be eligible for crisis counseling services funded by this program, the person must be a resident of the designated area or must have been located in the area at the time the disaster occurred. The person must also have a mental health problem which was caused by or aggravated by the disaster or its aftermath, or he or she must benefit from services provided by the program. 

For more recovery information, please contact one of the following: 

Jake Ganieany
Recovery & Mitigation Bureau Chief
(406) 417-9234

Allison Taylor
Recovery Program Manager 
(406) 202-9457

Jonathan Busby
Recovery Coordinator
(406) 439-3233

Jason Fadely
Recovery Coordinator
(406) 202-9487

Annalee Venneri
Recovery Coordinator
(406) 417-8816