Individual Assistance

The Montana Disaster and Emergency Services Recovery team coordinates with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to provide assistance in the wake of disaster. 

The Individual Assistance Program is designed to coordinate assistance provided to individuals, households, and businesses recovering from disaster or emergency impacts. After the president signs a disaster declaration, it is important to inform affected individuals and businesses through press releases and outreach efforts that programs are available to them in obtaining any entitled aid.

Federal assistance may be granted when the situation is clearly beyond the capability of both the local, state and Tribal Governments. The Individual and Households and Other Needs Assistance Program (IA) provides funding assistance up to predetermined limits for home damage repair, transportation repair or replacement, and funeral expenses. IA provides several areas of assistance to include limited funding for crisis counseling, unemployment assistance, and loans from the Small Business Administration. IA funds will not duplicate any funds being covered by insurance or any other federal program. IA funds are restricted in total amount that will be paid out. 

The first step for individuals and businesses needing assistance should be through the toll-free tele-registration hotline, available through the Federal Emergency Management Agency at 1-800-621-FEMA (3362) (TTY: 1-800-462-7585). Specially trained operators at the Federal Emergency Management Agency's National Tele-registration Center will process the application. Once this is accomplished, further assistance may be coordinated through a Disaster Recovery Center (disclaimer: link is only functional during a disaster), which may be established in each of the declared counties or regionally. Representatives of federal, state, local, and volunteer organizations are made available to help disaster survivors who are applying for assistance.

The State of Montana does not have any funds for Individual Assistance and works with the Montana Volunteer Organizations Active in Disasters (MTVOAD) when the State cannot qualify for FEMA funds.

Visit FEMA's Website to Apply for Individual Assistance 

Property Damage Form

FEMA Individual Assistance Tools
FEMA IA Resources

Montana Voluntary Organization in Disasters 
Montana Volunteer Organizations Active in Disasters (MVOAD)

Montana Department of Public Health Human Services (DPHHS)
MT DPHHS provides many forms of assistance to Montana residents. Please visit their website for more information.