State Homeland Security Grant Resources

Montana DES has developed a record of valuable State Homeland Security Program (SHSP) resources designed to help sub-recipients manage their awarded Homeland Security grant. It is strongly encouraged that all sub-recipients read through the SHSP State Guidance as it contains important information covering areas such as but not limited to: SHSP program overview, grant requirements, unallowable costs, status reports, reimbursement requests, deadlines, grant amendments, and closeout. In addition to the State Guidance there are other resource documents and form templates made available to sub-recipients to utilize as needed.  


Below you will find the provided SHSP program resources associated with its corresponding grant year. Sub-recipients should contact ta Preparedness Grant Coordinator, District Field Officer (DFO), or District Supervisor with questions regarding any of the following resources made available.

FY25 SHSP State Guidance

SHSP Sub-Recipient AmpliFund Step by Step Guide – UPDATED Dec. 2023

FY25 SHSP Frequently Asked Questions


Please note:  FEMA FY25 Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) will be posted when it becomes available. 

Preparedness Grant Coordinators: